Procedural Forest Sample
Today we are releasing a new sample project for The Machinery that we call Procedural Forest. It is our own interpretation of Robert Berg’s excellent UE4 scene with the same name.

The Procedural Forest sample
The main purpose of this sample is to demonstrate some more advanced features that can be achieved using Creation Graphs, such as:
How complex material graphs can be organized in a simple way by using subgraph prototypes.
How the Material Properties family of nodes makes it possible to pass a bunch of properties on the same wire.
How to use the new Entity Spawner Component together with Creation Graphs for efficiently calculating the placement of massive amounts of entities in a scene.
As with all of The Machinery’s samples we are releasing this as a work-in-progress project. We intend to continue to work on it, adding more features over time.
You can download the current version sample at:
Please note that in its current state the sample requires a fairly high-end GPU to hit 60Hz due to the massive amounts of geometry we’re pushing, we intend to work on making it more scalable to run better on low-end GPUs in coming releases.

All vegetation and rocks are procedurally placed on the terrain using Creation Graphs.
All textures, materials and meshes in this sample are copyright Robert Berg and may only be redistributed if the appropriate license is purchased from him via: